The Oracle – Nui Cobalt Designs

The Oracle

  • 11000

series of 2

In honor of the seers, the diviners, those who dare to look beyond the mundane, these talismans sing the stories of both past and possibility. Keen eyes cast into the darkness to discover secret truths and reveal their wisdom to the willing.

Iolite unites the intellect with Highest Guidance. It empowers the third eye and grants direct access to Divine Consciousness. Aquamarine brings pure energy to the throat chakra, supporting strong psychic transmission and clear articulation.

The Oracle is handcrafted and charged under the auspices of the waxing moon in her domicile of Cancer. Here, she fosters instinct, intuition, and infinite awareness.

Wear theses talismanic adornments while engaging in any form of divination. They greatly improve the accuracy and relevance of each interpretation.

Sterling silver french wire earrings

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